Chapter One :Chapter 1

I walked up into the field of chrysanthemums flowers, enjoying the cool wind of the air and letting the trees protect me from the summer sun.

Chrysanthemums flower is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. In general, chrysanthemums are believed to represent happiness, love, longevity, and joy.

I adore these flowers because they reflect passion. Love, whether platonic or romantic, is one of the most wonderful experiences an individual may have.

I looked up at the bright sky, a grin on my lips, thankful to the gods for allowing us all to see the beauty of nature and life.

“Darling!” my attention went to the couple walking past by me as they try to enjoy the flowers in this field. The light red thread in their hands becomes visible to me when they walk by.

There's an ancient Chinese myth about the red thread of fate. It says that the gods have tied a red thread around every one of our ankles, and attached it to all the people whose lives we are destined to touch. This thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.

I believe the saying because I am apparently one of the fortunate people who could see the red string tied to everyone. I have been granted the ability to see who is destined for each other and what their future holds.

My lips parted, and I was saddened at what I saw. If you're not like me and watch them without knowing what the future brings for the two of them, you'll believe they're in love because of how they show it.

The two red strings are not bound to each other. Their red string is both connected to someone else, regardless of how much affection they feel towards each other, they are not meant for each other.

"Hello there! Wait for me!" I blinked twice because of what I had just witnessed. I could clearly see how the woman's red string was linked to the guy approaching them.

He is her soul mate.

How unfortunate to witness this kind of scenario… but I’m already used to it so I must just get over it.

I tilted my head on the other side and tried to read what’s going to happen in their future.

I licked my lower as I started seeing scenarios and memories in my mind.

The guy that she’s in a relationship with right now will… die.

And that's probably the reason why his red string is connected above. His soulmate died already. They didn't get to meet each other in this lifetime.

This is my 5th life, every time I get reincarnated, I can always recall what my former life is. I really don’t know the reason for my death, I simply know that I’ve been able to see everyone’s red thread and been guiding them since then.

The only thing keeping me from assisting others is the knowledge that there will be a curse. Or a consequence

I'm not sure what it is, but I'm going to do my best not to interfere with anyone's destiny. I don't want to be punished for something I don't know what it is. That's too hazardous for me; therefore I'm not going to do it.

“Ms. Yue...” When I heard the voice of my best friend slash personal assistant, I was brought back to reality. Marielle Wong has been a part of my life since I was a child. She was always there for me, even in my previous life. Despite the fact that she couldn't remember our previous life together, I know she's always been faithful to me.

I was thankful that the deity never took her from me. She is one of my favorite people, and I would do anything to be reconnected with her in my next life again.

“Yes, Maye?” I call her Maye because I find Marielle a little too formal, especially that I don’t really see her as my personal assistant but my best friend.

“Mr. Yue has requested for your present later for the banquet that your family is preparing…” She shifted her weight to the opposite side of her head and pursed her lips slightly. The feast is for my half-sister's wedding, which will take place later.

I let out a sigh.

“Are you sure your half-sister is…” she hesitated, unsure whether or not to continue? Marielle is one of my most trusted person, I told her about my ability to see the red string that’s connected to everyone. She’s a trustworthy person and in each life I have, she never told anyone about my secret.

I sighed, “She isn't her soulmate.” Patricia has always been friendly to me, despite the fact that she is just my half-sister. She has never shown me the typical half-sister attitude of being cruel or whatever. She's nice and obedient; all she wants to do is obey our father's command and marry the person they believe is right for her.

His soon-to-be spouse is a young entrepreneur and his family is planning to merge with our company. It's a wise investment that will benefit both of our families. It's just that they aren't soulmates for each other. And they'll never be content in their marriage.

“Shouldn't you do something about it, Lilith?” Maye no longer addresses me as Ms. Yue, so I know she's talking to me as her best friend instead of her boss. I gave her a few seconds of my attention before heaving a sigh. I want Patricia to be happy and find her soulmate, but I can't just jump in and tell her she's meant to be with someone else than Mr. Chen right now.

“I'm afraid I won't be able to...” I took a breath and offered her a shaky grin. “You are aware that I may suffer consequences...” I kept going.

Maye has a soft spot for Patricia Yue, even though she wouldn't admit it. Patricia Yue, my half-sister, is a lovely person who would go out of her way to make us happy, as I previously stated.

To be honest, if I didn't know anything, it would have been easy for me. I wouldn't have to know anything about their fate, their future, or anything like that... if only that were the case, shrugging off my shoulder wouldn't be so difficult. But that isn't the case; I know everything, and it's clear that my sister will never be happy in her marriage.

But I don't know how to tell her, or our family, or my father, that I know who her soulmate is... and that person is Mr. Henry, our family's driver's son.

I can only imagine my father's wrath if he learns about this.

“A pleasant evening, Ms. Yue...” Mr. Huang greeted me with a grin on his lips, taking my hand in his and kissing it lightly. I cocked my head to the side and smiled at him. It's natural for nobles like us to be treated like royalty or something. Even though this action is typical, I can tell if someone is trying to hit on me or simply doing what he is used to.

Mr. Huang had been flirting with me since I was eighteen years old. He understood that once I reached that age, my father would begin looking for a husband who would be a good match for me and my status. He's doing the same thing with my half-sister, figuring out who he believes is the wealthiest.

Even though Mr. Huang is aware of my father's strategy, he doesn't seem to mind and is using it to show my father that he is genuinely interested.

I returned his greeting with a modest grin and said, "Good evening, Mr. Huang." My mother raised me to be prim and proper. To behave ladylike and never let her guard down in front of anyone, especially men. My mother killed herself the day she discovered that my father was having an affair with Patricia's mother. When our father brought Patricia home and announced that she would be joining our family, I was nine years old. My mother couldn't take it any longer, so she tried all she could to educate me on how to be strong and self-sufficient. Until three years after, she hanged herself.

My mother warned me not to hate Patricia; therefore it never occurred to me to do so. She's just a victim of my father's infidelity, and I shouldn't resent her because of it.

I'd never understood why my father had brought Patricia home. Until I learned Patricia was brought in by my father to help him create his ideal daughter. An obedient person who will always do what she is told. And he knew he couldn't do that to me because my mother and mother's side protect me. Patricia is the person he is looking for to manipulate.

So... how could I just tell my father that Patricia should not marry Mr. Chen? Patricia will be unhappy and will despise me. Because she was raised to believe that she had to satisfy our father at all times.

“The party will start shortly now,” I said to Mr. Huang, hoping to find a reason to leave him. Mr. Huang may be able to persuade my father to marry me, but my father understood he would never be able to compel me to marry someone. He can get me to think about it, but he can't make me do it. That is why Mr. Huang will never be successful in whatever he sets out to achieve.

“Ms. Yue, do you mind if I have your first dance later?” Even if he knew I was trying to avoid him, he's not giving up; he’s persuasive and would not just accept a defeat. I sighed, frustrated since I could see his red string was nowhere near me. It implies he's squandering his time because I'm not his soulmate; I'm not meant to be his wife. He doesn't stand a chance, and if I keep trying to avoid him, he should take it seriously.

“Please accept my apologies, Mr. Huang, but...” Marielle drew my focus away from what I'm doing. She approached me and gets very close to speak something.

“Ms. Yue, your father is already looking for you...” she murmured softly before taking a step back and gazing at Mr. Huang, who is waiting for my response to his question. " Mr. Huang, good evening. I hope it's okay if I take Ms. Yue away from you,” she said respectfully before lowering her head.

I pursed my lips as I glanced at her hand.

Another reason I don't want Mr. Huang to get near me is that I know Marielle or Maye is his soulmate. I'm not sure how they're going to end up together. But they were soulmates in my previous life as well. Mr. Huang is persuading me for the first and only time in my life if I am not incorrect. He is always smitten with Marielle. This lifetime has been a bit of a whirlwind.

Because I didn't want to interfere with Marielle's destiny, I never told her about her past with Mr. Huang or that they are soulmates.

But if Mr. Huang knew, he'd be persuading Marielle right now.

My father was overjoyed to announce, "Let's celebrate our soon-to-be wife and husband," as Mr. Chen and Patricia walked onto the main stage that had been prepared for the two of them.

Despite the fact that Patricia is currently grinning broadly, I am quite familiar with her.

I let out a sigh.

She acts as though she is happy with whatever my father is doing with her life. It's a drag to be her.

Hours passed before the first dance of the evening began. Mr. Chen and Patricia danced together as if they were in love and happy. And everyone is acting as if they are unaware that the pair is being forced into marriage.

We are now wearing a mask to let the attention be focused on Patricia and Mr. Chen, even if everyone is wearing a mask. I know that Mr. Huang is the one who’s approaching me that I had to stand up and walk away quickly.

I was in a hurry that I didn’t notice where I was going.

I bumped into someone and I almost fell from where I was standing, thankfully the person that I bumped into has a large hand and strong biceps that he was able to catch and support my weight.

“Be careful,” he whispered quietly. His voice was husky and raspy, and it sounded magnificent in my ears.

“Please accept my apologies...” I remarked after he assisted me in regaining my balance. He's hiding his face behind a black mask, which hides his eyes but reveals his finely sculpted red lips.

He simply grinned at me and lifted his hand to adjust my mask, which had been messed up because of what had happened. And it was then that I noticed the crimson band fastened to his wrist... red bracelet.

The red thread that binds me to my soulmate

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